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How We Make sex Silicone Products and Why We Use Silicone

Why Use Silicone:

Silicone is ideal for adult products because of its high flexibility and softness, providing a comfortable and realistic feel. The material’s non-toxic and hypoallergenic properties ensure user safety, reducing the risk of allergic reactions. Additionally, silicone’s durability means these products can withstand repeated use without wear and tear, offering a long lifespan.


  • High Flexibility and Softness: Provides the desired flexibility and softness, making products comfortable and safe.
  • Non-Toxic and Hypoallergenic: Ensures user safety and meets stringent health standards.
  • Durability: Resistant to wear and tear, ensuring a long lifespan.


  • Cost: Higher production costs compared to some other materials.
  • Specialized Equipment: Requires specific equipment and processes, increasing initial setup costs.

Pet Products

Manufacturing Process

Design and Prototyping

Create detailed designs and prototypes to meet specific requirements for flexibility and texture.

Mold Making

Inject LSR into molds, curing it at high temperatures to form the final product.

Injection Molding

Use LSR injection molding to produce robust pet toys and accessories.


Remove any excess material, perform surface treatments, and conduct quality checks.

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👋 Joy(Shenzhen) Silicone Products Co., Ltd.
